Poems Without Frontiers

Poems in Translation

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(Authored as William Paley)

Four Ways to Keep a Secret Print and Kindle editions.

A novel about lovers facing the dilemmas of modernity: high finance seeking to overpower the weak; women in a man's world; career or family; the repercussions of early decisions. But also the binding force of friendship.

Oceans of Regret Print and Kindle editions.

A woman carries a baby girl through an East European revolution to safety in UK, the mother dead, the father badly injured and presumed dead. He meets his daughter when an adult, however, but cannot confess his relationship for fear of alienating her and disturbing her love for her stepmother.
Anxieties and regrets for a life blighted by the consequences of flawed decisions are resolved by the love of friends and family that triumphs over the mistakes of the past.

Raking the Sands Print and Kindle editions.

A highly intelligent, mature family is blackmailed by a petty crook seeking access to secet information in The Department, a government institute for combatting international crime.
The romantic lives of the participants are threaded through the events but the leader of The Department is intent on putting business before devotion and, too late, faces the realiation that his flawed decision leads to personal disaster.

Sorrows Mended Print and Kindle editions.

Several couples are burdened by the consequence of decisions made several years ago but are each presented with a choice that could correct the mistakes of the past and redirect their futures. The intervening times present new considerations that demand persuasion and concessions before the participants are enabled to restore close relationships and to regain the happiness of former times: lovers have drifted apart into lives that proved unrewarding; mature couples find added strength in a closer union; advice from an elder colleague directs a young couple into a happy future.

The coincidental theft of an Old Master from a provincial gallery creates stress and discomfort among those affected but vengeful actions are reassessed and corrected. All participants are drawn to a reassessment of past actions and to question the wisdom of hasty decisions that have obstructed their path to a Happy End.

The Magic Canopy Print and Kindle editions.

A novel centred upon a village in the Downs of southern England where the good nature of the inhabitants is constrained by real or perceived problems in fulfilling their loves and desires.

Poetry Books

101 French Poems
150 German Poems
Kindle anthologies of French and German poetry presented in the original text and in my translations into English.

Visions and Illusions
Print and Kindle books of my own poetry.

Click the author page in order to explore my background.